Monday, September 17, 2007

un poquito de tranquilidad

El 15 de Septiembre fue mi cumpleaños. Fue un dia muy especial. En la mañana Nate me llevo a un restaurante muy buena donde sirven uno de los mejors desallunos del area. Despues del desalluno tome una siesta ya que la comida me dejo super relajada. En la tarde Nate me sorprendio con una pequeña escurcion al mar en ¨Kayaks¨.¨ Fue una experiencia maravillosa ya que el agua estaba bien clara y pudimos ver una gran variedad de pez incluyendo un grupo de tiburones. Esta clase de tiburones solo comen animales muertos en el fondo del mar, les dicen tiburones leopardos. leopard sharks
Para terminar la noche con broche de oro Nate preparo una cena especial a la cual invito a un pequeño grupo de amigos. Este cumpleaños fue uno de los mas especiales que he disfrutado, no solo porque Nate preparo todo tan bien, si no tambien porque Anabel cumpleo 18 meses este dia. Esto fue algo especial ya que ahora ya es suficientemente grande para atender la guarderia de la Iglesia. Lo que quiere decir que ahora podemos asistir a nuestras clases los Domingos despues de nuestra reunion sacramental. La primera vez que Anabelle asistio a la guarderia tuvimos que salirnos a escondidas para que no llorara. Tenemos que admitir que antes de hir a nuestra clases tomamos una pequeña pausa.

Monday, September 3, 2007

bebadaba doobadooba babaduba.... amen!

Esta tarde invitamos a Anabelle a la Noche de Hogar (normalmente se duerma antes de que empecemos). María empezó a orar así que Anabelle se dobló la cabeza, cruzó los brazos, y se cerró los ojos. Despues de algunos segundos de la oración oímos bebadaba doobadooba babaduba bamamadubba mubbabeba.... amen! Entonces Anabelle se subió para recojer una galleta y esperó hasta que María terminó de orar... Pero yo empecé a reír a la primera oración de Anabelle. ¡Queríamos mucho a ella!


Well, Maria got lasik! She keeps reminding me that she can now see better with no help then I can with my contacts in... but now she can't use the excuse that she can't read whenever we're doing our evening scripture study. Since Anabelle always wants to be like Maria, she's now dropped her glasses fettish, but now is always trying to get ahold of Maria's eyedrops to put them in her eyes!

Hanging Out with Grandma

While at the grandparent's house we decided to brave the extreme southern Utah temperature and so we hiked up to the Red Cliffs Area, which when we hiked it one winter it had a beautiful stream and some really cool waterfalls. We found out, though, in August there's only one brown-green pool at the base of where a waterfall normally is... the stream was all dried up. It was still a nice hike, though, and afterwards we got some frozen custard from the place I worked at back in 1996. Anabelle loved that part!

Vacation time leads to idle hands for Daddy

What do you get when you vacation in a city where it is over 100 degrees outside? Well, you do get either crazy parents or an entertained little girl... or as in our case, both!

I did get to see several pretty sunrises from my parent's house, though, thanks to Anabelle... I've to sit her down and talk to her about how vacations and weekends are synonymous with "sleep-in-days" but she still insists on forcing us to adhere to her "early to bed, early to rise" philosophy.


After spending a couple days at Fish Lake, we went to my parent's place in St. George for ~5 more days. There I showed Anabelle a small book about hippos and she fell in love with them, but started calling them "Pippo... Wawa!" which is translated "Hippo! It lives in the water!" Then I found a stuffed hippo and taught her that hippos also love to slide up and down the banister... she, however, taught herself that they also like to be thrown down the stairs.

* 3 cheers for blogspot!!! I was always bugged by the links to dirty videos that Youtube kept putting on the end of Anabelle's videos, so I'm happy that blogspot now has their own video thing... but they won't center the videos for you... I had to manually type in the html to do it my self... so I guess it's only two cheers for blogspot...

Fish Lake, Where Daddy Taught Anabelle to Throw Rocks into the Lake and Florentina Taught her to Eat Them

We went to Fish Lake (just NW of Capital Reef National Park) this past August with my family. We had a lot a fun there... Anabelle and I threw lots of rocks into the water. Anabelle also had a ton of fun with her cousins Pioter and Florentina (she keeps saying Pioter's name over and over again... she really liked him). The only bad part of the trip stems from the fact that Anabanana can't sleep in the same room with us, so we set up a play crib in our bathroom. A minute or two after she went to sleep there, we realized that we had a problem... her crib took up the whole bathroom, which means that we had a very uncomfortable night and very full bladders.

The next day we went on a short hike with Randall (my little brother) and Clara who had come all the way out from Boston. It was great catching up with them.